Http Head Poisoner

Many http header cheat tool's found at internet,
but no one's found with managable replacing method.
There I can't replace first head(GET,POST,CONNECT),
not supported "anythink" text (Like * at windows),
can't replace null string or anothrer abnormally
text type(But can got from hexa value),and can't
usage for upload up to 3Kb as size of file

That's reason why HHP's released

About Http Head Poisoner:

Support listen as http/https proxy and forward to http/https OR sock5
Support key lock(password) and lock&hidde mode for saving role/config
Support manage (Add/remove) route
Support upload upto 3Kb

Replace method's: SOURCE||DESTINATION

Ex: Host:||2
(Include to line 2 at header)

Routing : host||/add or /del
allow until

$hexa(HexaValue)= Convert hexa value to string
For null string -> $hexa(00)
For double null string -> $hexa(00 00)
For triple null string -> $hexa(00 00 00)

(Where 00 is hexa value from null string)
^* = Anythink (at repace)

Multi TCP clien connection with unisock (Uniscok array) [VB]

About Unisock      Unisock's A new class implementation of Winsock API. By style close to the native Winsock control and other class implementations such as CSocket and CSocketMaster, so you don't need to learn or rewrite much of existing code. The new and cool part about this class is that it is just one class file. Also, it performs better (by speed) and handles errors a bit more cleanly (you aren't forced to close the socket each time an error occurs). Other speciality is transparent Unicode support: when you switch to text mode, you start receiving TextArrival event instead of DataArrival and start getting individual lines. These lines are automatically Unicode if received line is UTF-8 or UTF-16! ANSI lines require you to use StrConv to get an usable string, thus you have the power on what to do with the raw data before any conversion has affected it.

By: Vesa Piittinen aka Merri,

   I think unisock's A  good Winsock API, but problem's found when I need usage multi connection with array, unisock's not supported for that :D. But with "user control" (ctl) we can usage unisock for multi array.

 Lets Do....
1. Load unisock class to vb project

2. Create/Add new user control

MIg33 v2_ImageEditor 2

Feature update :
- Support any image format

Maja socks5 (socks5 proxy hunter)

Featured :
- Auto update socks5 list

Connection Manager

My friend's using xxx gsm provider and
got free net access with ultrasurf,
but must disable "default route" at net connection profile,
and that's make for can't connect to mig33 gateway although
he have registered mig33 packet.

So I think for release this tools for fix that problems